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Sport Massage

75 min. 590kr. 

60 min. 490kr. 

30 min. 290kr. Now 45min

Sports massage will be characterized by pressure, will be more intense (always adapted to your preference) and will be combined with stretching and kneading techniques. Excellent to receive it before or after a physical exercise. You can add hot stones and facial massage for the same price.


Relax Massage

75 min. 590kr. 

60 min. 490kr. 

30 min. 290kr. Now 45 min.

This massage is optimal to calm nerves and muscle tensions but also helps circulation and clear your mind. The pressure for this type of massage will be the one desired by the client. You can add hot stones and facial massage for the same price.

Swedish Massage

Massage by Zones

30 min 290kr. Now 45min. 

Massages by areas, will be for those who want only a massage on the back, legs, feet or head. Optimal for people who have a concrete accumulated tension and want to release it.

Treatments: Treatments
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